The future of International student enrolments – Ministerial intervention?

The higher education sector is currently in a heated debate with the government over the proposed legislation that could potentially cap international student enrolments in higher education providers (i.e. universities and TAFEs). This current draft of the proposal, which could have far-reaching implications, emerged earlier this month in the Draft International Education and Skills Strategic […]

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University Accords (Reform): The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

On the 25th of February 2024, the Australian Government finally released the University Accords Final Report. The TLDR version is: it’s been dubbed a ‘once in a generation’ reform/consultation process of what universities should be and how to support students. So why didn’t I know about this, and how was my voice heard, you may […]

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Dutton’s Woolworths Boycott Backlash

The Leader of the Opposition, Peter Dutton, is facing immense backlash for advocating people to boycott Woolworths for no longer stocking Australia Day merchandise. This backlash comes after a Woolworth store in Teneriffe was found vandalised with “5 days 26 Jan Aussie Oi Oi Woolies fuck u” spray painted on its exterior, as reported by […]

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UQ disciplinary letter shuns Human Rights

Alan Smithee & Billie Kugelman UQ has sent out letters to students facing disciplinary action which claim that enforcing the Student Code of Conduct is more important than *checks notes* students’ human rights. The letters, apparently authored by so-called ‘Integrity Officers’, were sent with an offer: accepting the University’s proposed punishments would mean that students’ […]

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Stand with climate activists against police repression

We are in a climate emergency. We’ve seen a rapid increase in ‘natural’ disasters across the globe; floods, fires and mass extinctions. It is estimated that the climate crisis could displace 1.2 billion people by 2050.  But in the eyes of the Australian government and its police cronies, the real crime is daring to resist […]

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