
Why I chose to study a master’s degree in social work at University of Queensland

From my earliest days in China, I was sensitive to injustice, compelled by a deep-seated desire to stand up for the underdog and challenge bullies. This drive to act, often against the advice to only look after myself, was intrinsic to my character. Despite being discouraged from intervening, I couldn’t ignore the unfairness I witnessed […]

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A victory with a tainted cup for student autonomy?

On 23 February 2024, Education Ministers (state and federal) agreed to the Action Plan Addressing Gender-based Violence in Higher Education. The Action Plan recognises urgent action needs to take place to ensure the safety of higher education students and staff. Later on the same day, the Federal Minister for Education, the Hon Jason Clare MP, […]

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University Accords (Reform): The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

On the 25th of February 2024, the Australian Government finally released the University Accords Final Report. The TLDR version is: it’s been dubbed a ‘once in a generation’ reform/consultation process of what universities should be and how to support students. So why didn’t I know about this, and how was my voice heard, you may […]

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The mouldy stench in UQ’s heritage buildings.

Here at the University of Queensland’s St Lucia campus, we are fortunate to learn and study in heritage buildings of rich historical architecture. The elegant exterior of the Goddard Building is decorated with sculptured features that are remarkable and well-maintained, but its interior might not get the same treatment. A shared office space between PhD […]

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