Painting. Hope.

Just yesterday a wall mural was painted in front of the UQ Union’s women’s collective and international collective room. The artwork painted by Lily Ghali, a fine arts student, conveys deep bittersweet meaning. The Semper Floreat team was incredibly lucky and honoured to be able to attend the artist’s painting process and interview her to […]

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South Korean Election ’22: Aftermath

Yoon’s victory indicates that the conservative’s administration is back in power in 5 years after the imprisonment of the previous conservative President Park Geun Hye. This also means that the ex-dictatorship and its power structure will be returning into Korean executive branch (read previous article for detailed explanation). This election and the events leading up to it, has already shown the deeply entrenched corruption that resides within Korean Prosecution, media, and the religious sector.

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South Korean Presidential Election of 2022. Wednesday 9th of March

Currently, across the globe, South Korea has split into factions for the upcoming 20th Presidential Election. Since the Liberation of the Korean Peninsula (from the Japanese Empire 15/08/1945) and its catastrophic civil war caused by the clash of two world superpowers – marking the start of the Cold War, most of the South Korean history has been tainted by series of Military Dictatorships. Only from the 1990’s “democratic” elections were allowed (under strict military supervision), however through corruption and state-run media, only the dictatorship’s party were elected.

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P emoji and three arms w hands w index fingers pointing at emoji (i.e. pushing p) on a blue sky cloud moon background

“Pushing the ?️”

Many of you would have noticed a strange trend occurring on various social media platforms in the last few days, which involves the use of emoji ?️. Whether you’ve seen this on a group chat, tweets or Instagram meme page comment sections, the new P meme is taking up a storm.

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