As part of UQ Life’s SWOTVAC activities on the St Lucia campus, the division spent $1,050 on smoothie bikes.
In return for the $1,000 spend UQ Life got the use of 2 bikes from The Smoothie Cycle, 6 jugs, 2 staff for 4 hours, and 200 organic smoothies.
Other expenses for their SWOTVAC activities included $550 for 300 plain white mugs, $75 for 120g worth of individually wrapped marshmallow hearts and $200 worth of hot chocolate mix.
Exam times can be very stressful for students which is why UQ Life spent $340 on a movie night, photos from UQ Life’s Wonder Woman movie night during SWOTVAC suggest it wasn’t particularly well attended with only 3 people visibly in attendance.
Perhaps the most reasonable expenditure by UQ Life during SWOTVAC was the $350 they spent to give students the opportunity to play with puppies for 2 hours.
In attempt to get students to relax during SWOTVAC UQ Life arranged a ‘Zen zones on Campus’ competition where in which UQ Life would post an image of what they describe as a zen area/study space on campus and the first person to correctly guess where it is, would win a UQ Hoodie and Sustainability Pack.
Upon coming to the realisation that not all UQ students attend the St Lucia campus UQ Life had to come up with another tactic to try and boost their social media engagement, this took the form of them asking students to post an image of their favourite zen zone wherever they live to go in the running to win one of three $50 Visa Gift Cards.
Lastly they spent roughly $1100 on casual staff and $450 on live music, bringing total cost of UQ Life’s SWOTVAC activities to over $4,100.
In contrast to this the UQ Union has been providing students with nutrition during SWOTVAC giving away free fruit and vegetable boxes and free microwave dinners.
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