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First up, welcome to being click-baited; I hope you stay.

Unless you were living under a rock, you would know that Taylor Swift has taken Australia by storm with her Eras Tour, passing through Melbourne last weekend and Sydney this coming weekend.

Thousands of Swifties have flown across the country to attend these concerts and help drive our now slowing economy. Good on them… But if you are caught flying to and from Sydney or Melbourne over these two weeks, the prices of flights are pure carnage.

I’m a frequent flyer, so I naturally follow the prices of domestic flights. Also, it is alleged that I ‘launder money’ to make interstate flights. It’s true, I DO fly more often than some people change their clothes/fashion sense.

And yes, my footprint is probably a little bigger than the norm; big-feet jokes are welcomed.

Sorry, not sorry. But I digress.

It’s pretty amazing how much prices can increase even after reports of an additional 64 flights were added to accommodate the increase in interstate travel for Taylor Swift’s Era’s Tour in Sydney and Melbourne.

Here are some pricing examples:
Flights from Brisbane to Melbourne last week were at an eye-watering $400-600 on the low end until Sunday (the last day of her Melbourne tour). Usually, $120-300 depends on the day of the week, time, and airline you choose.

Flying back to Brisbane with the outflowing crowd from Melbourne earlier this week would cost roughly $400 on the low end and up to $700-900 if you didn’t book long in advance – I’m not kidding.

Besides the prices, the sheer number of passengers at the domestic terminals has been pretty wild. Earlier this week, I didn’t account for the delay in travel time to Melbourne Airport and delays through airport security because of the traffic influx travelling back to Brisbane, so I missed my flight by 2 minutes!

Nevertheless, the movement between Brisbane and Melbourne has died down, and now we look at this weekend’s Era Tour in Sydney.

Ready For It?

See what I did there?

A Brisbane to Sydney price comparison ranges between $537 to $1648 for this coming Friday. Meanwhile, the same time the Friday next week would cost $140-1268. Basically, flights this weekend are 4 times the normal price.

Don’t you love just that free market CaPiTaLiSm?

Comparable price differences can also be found from Sydney back to Brisbane, but I’ll leave that for readers to look up themselves.

If there is any advice to give on travelling to and from Sydney this weekend, it’s definitely early and assume there will be delays at the airport. Hopefully, you’ve already booked your flights days or weeks ago, but in some cases, you could snipe a cheaper flight between Sydney and the Gold Coast if you are willing to accept the extra travel.

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  • Errol Phuah

    Errol studying a Masters of Educational Studies. He has a keen interesting in reporting on Higher Education news and is one of your Deputy Chief Editors of Semper Floreat in 2024.

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