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Help. I am a landlord leasing out to 5 students in the St Lucia area. I didn’t realise when I rented to them they would be complaining so much. 

I advertised this house initially as a five bedroom house because it also has a basement. This was on the advice of another landlord friend of mine, so that way I can charge extra. But technically (legally speaking) the basement does not have ventilation (windows) and does not meet safety requirements, so a bed cannot be set up in there. I told them this and they complained about it. 

I was just looking out for them, and trying to obey the law. But they came back and complained that they would not have rented out the place if they knew only four people could rent it, as they can’t afford the current price. 

I told them that they should just set up the fifth person in the living room, but they just wouldn’t listen to me. 

They pay $200 each, but the total rent will increase by $250. I am just a landlord and I need to bring in rent in line with what the market is achieving. Once again, they complained about this, but between the five of them it’s only $50 each, so it should be easy. 

But they won’t sign the new lease agreement unless I fix things, and they have made a very long list. 

The basement floods from time to time. They are trying to make it my fault, even though I don’t control the floods. They have asked that I pay out of my own pocket for water-damage clean up and also fix the basement so it does not happen in the future and damage their stuff. 

I told them that they should just put their stuff on higher ground like on a table. I was even happy to give them one of my old tables but they refused. Unbelievable. 

Then they complained about the asbestos in some of the walls and cupboards. I told them that they should just keep the kitchen cabinets closed and no asbestos would come flying out. But once again they didn’t want to listen to me. 

Last week, I showed up to inspect all the stuff for myself, because frankly I don’t believe there is anything wrong with the house. They did not want to let me in even though I OWN the house! They said I had to provide them with a legal entry form and 7 days notice per the QLD tenancy laws. I don’t understand how they can expect me to know if the house needs to be fixed or not, if I can’t see it. And I have other properties, so I can’t always be expected to follow the rules. 

I have given them a solution to every problem they have complained about, and tried to help at every step of the but they just want me to pay out of my own pocket. I am not made of money.

I even know some landlords are listing sheds as a house and are getting away with it, so I don’t know why they keep complaining. I am one of the good guys. 

I really wished that I had leased out to the Chinese students, at least they wouldn’t complain this much. 

Honestly I am just out of options and at this point, I want to cut my losses and kick them out. 

I just want to know, am I the asshole here? 

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