Stephanie Samios from UQ QPSA giving blood
If you haven’t heard, there is a current shortage of O-negative blood, but why is this important?
Because O-negative blood is known as the “universal” blood type, which can be transfused to almost any patient in need, but only 9 percent of the population has it. In particular, it is given to patients in emergency situations or when their blood type is unknown.
Queensland is now in a situation where we need to get over 3,000 people to donate in the next fortnight to replenish the supply at an okay level.
How did it happen?
As you might have heard or even experienced first hand (unfortunately I have), it has been a record-breaking flu season. Unfortunately, this has meant many people have been cancelling their appointments to give blood and more people have been needing blood.
So get out and get giving, even if you do not have O-negative blood. You can still save many lives.
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