Bad Girl from Curious film, really turns that question on its head. All Australian made, the psychological thriller starring actors such as Samara Weaving and Sara West is now showing across the nation. Locally, premiered at UQ’s own Schonell Theatre last month. This film uses intricate and beautiful cinematography to accompany this psychological analysis of our need to belong, to be part of a family.
This psychological thriller starts with Amy, a 17-year-old girl who has just been relocated with her adoptive family after her time in juvenile detention. There they meet the blonde sweet girl next door Chloe, a contrasting figure compared to Amy. But as their relationship progresses and certain secrets come to light, we see this study of human nature come into play.
After trying to escape a family for so long, how far does Amy go to save it?
Semper got to have a chat with Fin Edquist, the writer-director of the film to discuss some of the inspirations and characteristics of the film.
Edquist’s inspirations are highly wide-ranging and come from various sources, which explains the peculiarity of the film.
“Like the genre is psychological thrillers, and just using the structure of the genre to say something about the plot or something broader. Obviously, people like David Lynch do it effectively and Michael Haneke does it effectively, he is a bit like a clock worker and I admire him a bit more than I like his film but I am impressed. He kinda films it like an argument and takes no prisoners. I have always liked films that transcend the genre”, explains Fin.
But he touches on something more broader, where he drew a lot of inspiration from the actors and the role Sara West had on building and shaping the Character, Amy. “As we filmed the teaser, we realised this was such an interesting story and that this was where all the stakes were, not necessarily the story of the dad but more so these girls. So that was, Sara West, one of the characters, one of the biggest inspirations.”
This film, despite being a classic indie film it is rather tailored to a certain audience. Bad Girl helps show you that the film industry is not dead, it is bustling with great talent. Even if it isn’t your normal cup of tea, there is still so many reasons to get around this film.
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